First i wanna say excuse my bad english
now i wanna tell you what i think about diets when i hear someone saying "DIET" or evin reading it some where i say bullshit diets doesn't work for most of the people because its not made specially for your body But healthy eating works with most of the people so what you have to do is to eat healthier don't cut any thing just be a smart eater i am writing this from my personal experience i was 75kg (165 lbs i think ) and my height is 148cm (slightly more than 4ft) and i am 22 since i was 16 i was trying to go on diets but it never worked for me because of several reasons
why diets doesn't work :
1- like seriously isn't the first thing you think of when you hear diet or read the word is vegetables and not delicious food and being hungry all the time at least this was how i used to think few years ago
this is bad you should not think that way always think positively and understand what your gonna do before you do it search for it and ask about it
2-Given up
you simply give up after a while because you don't see any results of what your doing and you just loose the hope but the reality is that you should give your body a break to understand whats going on and give it some time to show you results you shouldn't be expecting results in one week or two or evin a month give it a try at least five to six weeks if it didn't work understand the problem why isn't working and try to solve it which i will be talking about as soon as possible
3- emotional eating
if you are an emotional eater its a very serious problem and you should try to control it i used to be a very emotional eater now am 90% changed and i still have some work to do on that, what ever the reason that's making you eat that much trust me its not worth it
4-doing it all in the wrong way like you don't know what food to eat and not to and you don't fully understand the nutrition facts or you don't know what a candy bar would add into your body you should search for it or buy a book to know more about food and health am not saying you have to know every thing just know a little then you gonna learn step by step while your on a healthy track
All of the above i did in the past every thing i said based on my personal experience and i did learned from my mistakes and i am on the right track that suits me the best find your own cause no body knows whats the best for you but you, and good luck
i still try to loose weight as i said i used to be 75kg now i am 54kg i am on the right track since a year i started last summer and now i am completely changed and happy but not satisfied i didn't reach my goal yet and i will reach it soon hopefully.
Set a goal so you can know what your trying to reach for
and i will try to post every time a new helpful advice and recipe and more so yeah
I talked too much wish all this was a little bit helpful.
and always
Make healthy choices and
ENJOY your food