Saturday, May 4, 2013


its 6:30 AM and i just had a great work out and i am in a great mood so here's one of my favourite omelet ever i wish that you will like it if you are reading this :)

so this recipe is for one person if you want it for more than one person then double the ingredient


1-1 egg
2-2 medium tomatoes
3-a pinch of spinach
4-the spices a half tbs of (white pepper,black pepper,curry,garlic powder)
6-1/2 tbsp of olive oil

and what you need to do is:
mix your spices then chop your tomatoes as you like and chop your spinach as you like too now you are ready to go
put the olive oil in the pan or in what ever your gonna cook in and don't put it on the fire put your tomatoes in the pan then add a pinch of salt on it and put it on a medium fire and don't cover the pan then use the half of the spice mixture and add it all over your tomatoes and mix it while that is on a medium to low fire add in your spinach and mix them then go and get your egg and beat it down add a pinch of salt and what left from the spice mixture on it mix every thing very well then add it to the pan but don't mix any thing cover the pan and leave it on a low fire then till the water of the tomatoes is dry and the egg is cooked that's it that's all you need to do it will take about 10 min to cook and you are ready to eat :)

i ate this with a cup of coffee and some low fat yogurt because i didn't eat any bred but you can eat it with what ever you want 
PS you can add what ever you like to this recipe just be smart about what you put inside your body

Make healthy choices and

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